Can you make my book a bestseller?

Only readers (and sometimes, lavish pre-sale marketing campaigns) can deliver you a bestseller. I’ll invest all my creativity, skill, and passion in our collaboration. I only work on books I believe in, and I do have bestsellers on my resume.

How much do your services cost?

I charge $20K-$25K to collaborate on proposals. My co-authoring and ghostwriting fees for full manuscripts are typically $125K and up and often include royalties or a percentage of the advance. I can only quote ranges until I learn more about the details of your project. I tend to be most open to negotiation on projects that allow me to break new creative ground.

Can you find me an agent?

Most of the projects I work on are already agented and/or sold to editors. When I work on an unrepresented project, I will often send it to agents I’ve worked with if I think there’s a match. That said, it’s not something I include in the formal scope of work, or charge for. I’m happy to help with query letters.

Is this really all the frequently asked questions?

No, I’ll be adding more as time permits.